Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday Smiles

Today's blog is a collection of interesting and useless information but will be good 'Kadai Kopi' stories. But first I would like to congratulate TW on his PGA win. His 12th career major at the 88th PGA Chammpionship.

First up, an important piece of historical artefact which is currently on display at an Austrian Museum. Let's just say nowadays its not 'reusable' beside I doubt people would want to reuse it after using it. Click [here] if you want to know more. It might put a smile on your face today.

Next we have a story about a man who I think is very lazy. He wants the easy life the 'hard' way. You have to wonder sometimes what life is like behind bars. He is not trying to do a 'Prison Break' but the other way around. Click [here] to read about this silly fellow.

Lately the weather in Brunei has not been all great. The open burning caused the haze and many people have put off their out door activity such as jogging and hiking because they might get sick and this includes myself. But that has not stopped me from playing golf. *LoL*. Thanks to the rain the air seems to have cleared up a bit. However, how many times have we 'blamed' the bad weather for ruining our plans? I am sure we might have at some point in our lives, occasionally golf addicts because the rain can spoil the day, ain't it right?? Here is a story about a woman who want to sue the weather forecasters for ruining here holiday. Read [here]

One of the most important things a couple who is about to get married in Brunei is to look for that perfect wedding bed. It has to be comfortable and spacious, and I do not think I need to go it to details about why that is necessary. But have any of you wanted to have a bed that hovers above the ground? Sounds cool but impossible? Not anymore. A dutch architect has put 6 years of his sweat and brains into building a 'floating' bed. More on this [here]

How smart are you? I do not know how smart I am but I think am smart enough to have completed my degree and having a great job now. But do you sometimes wished life could be better that now? Some Bruneians will say 'inda besyukur' which means not grateful. Well I assume children nowadays are much smarter that we used to be with the internet and all. Perhaps a 12 year old who has scored an 'A' for maths at AS level would grow up to cure AIDS one day. That is if he wants to be a doctor. Read about Terence Linnell [here]

Have a nice week people. *smiles*

Leaving you with this words by George Eliot - A Novelist,

"Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and
have wrinkles. What do we live for if not to make the world less difficult for
each other?"

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