Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Did they invented netball?

I'm walking around aimlessly in Q-lap waiting to have my lunch at a renowned Sushi place. The ball caught my eye. It screamed out to me like King Leonidas did in the movie, 'SPARTANS'. Ha Ha Ha.

Today also marks the first day of my wedding holiday. I need to catch up on my slumber activity. My eye bags will not look nice for the pictures. :D


Anonymous said...

Eye cream will definitely do you good. Guys with (a little bit of) make up is an exception for weddings! :P

Zul-Fadly said...

Hahaha.. I've had my fair share of make up before hehehe... Eye cream huh... Will look into it hehehe.. Or else I'll have to refer to Mommy dearest hehehe... Thanks

jIM said...

just remember to stock up on cucumbers! hahaha!