Tuesday, October 10, 2006

If we had our own Book of Records...

I suppose you should give yourself a pat on the back. Why you ask?

For reaching a milestone. Facts:- 250 million sold in Brunei since 1988. 27 million sold in 2005 which roughly mean that one person consumes 75 packets per day.

Simply amazing! Now that should be put in Brunei's Book of Records if we ever had one. What am I jibbering about? Well this article I read yesterday put a smile on my face. I reckon this product could be counsidered as a staple food in Brunei.

Give it up for-------------------->


Anonymous said...

My personal record would probably be something like "most shoes tried on and purchased in 10 minutes" or "record number of maltesers in mouth" or "fastest bitching per minute" :)

Anonymous said...

Why is the figure so high? Because UK-bound students always stock up on BOXES of the stuff!

Zul-Fadly said...

True also ah hehehe... If they actually exported to UK no one would buy because it would be expensive. hehehehe

Vixennova said...

blackdiamonds: hmmm i once atttempted a difficult feat of eating the most sugar-raised donuts without licking my lips in one minute! Hail the queen of donuts! My lips feel like dehydrated prune afterwards.