Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So innocent

I got back from the gym and gave Danial his bath. I Love bathing him. I shampoo his hair. I clean his body, scrubing every part. I reckon he loves bathing because he's never cried during his bathing sessions. He's just finished feeding. I just patted and rubbed his back so he could burp. He fell asleep on my lap. It was so beautiful. Hers is now resting. I help her when ever I can. He's grown so much since he was born. His current weight is 4 kilos. His clothes fit nicely now. But give it a week or Two I reckon he'll grow out of it. But for now all I want to do is bite his cheeks. I am going to shave his hair soon. So when I clean shave his head. I am going to do the same for myself. Ha Ha Ha.

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