Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Two Double 'O' Seven


2nd Day of 2007 and what a year it has been.

I started this blog in July of last year and this post will be my 71st blog and 1st for 2007.

So as I had assumed many had blogged about 2006 and new year resolutions. Now I want to join the band wagon.

At the start of the year I had set out to first and for most, stop smoking. By the first week of January I had finished my last pack of Dunhill Lights and that was it. I have no addiction to it and smoke-free.

My friends have asked me how I did it? Did I use a nicotine patch? What was my motivation? My only answer I did it for me. I was concerned for myself since I was not in the best of shape and before I start losing weight I must stop smoking. Also I did it so I do not have to lie to my fiance anymore. I have hurt her so much in the past and this was one sacrifice I was willing to give up to prove to her that she means the world to me.

Mission one accomplished and next was to start a fitness program and a diet program. I did a lot of reading online about 'You are what You eat' and I believe in this notion. One does not necessarily have to 'STOP' eating entirely to lose those excess weight. I watched what I ate and I disciplined myself to not eat after 8 p.m. and if that was not possible after 9 p.m. was also alright.

I also looked after the portion size and what I eat. I try to keep it not oily, less sugar and less salt as possible that I usually end up making my own food. I rarely ate out and only when my fiance needs company. Even then we tried to avoid fastfood as much as possible and she has been so supportive.

For fitness, I started jogging at the stadium. I took simple routes and I am greatful to my friends the Cutlery's - Sudu and Garfu - for initiating that jog one afternoon with My Boo and Me. That was the turning point, that was when I started to jog by myself every afternoon and usually only take a break on sundays. At times my fiance would accompany and sometime I would jog alone and sometimes I would jog with my fiance and our friends.

I did so many routes around the stadium and one of my fave route was starting from the indoor stadium and into the commonwealth drive and up the MOF road and out to the main road and into the road going back to the stadium passing the Dakwah centre and back to the indoor staium. I reckon the distance must have been about 3 kms and my best time was 18 mins.

Sometimes I would even jog by myself and go another round with my fiance. I had never felt so fit in my life. Other than jog, my circle of close friends started a weekly badminton outing and I am usually responsible to organise futsal game at my school.

I did not realize I was losing weight until my work clothes started to feel loose and my trousers were loose. I tried my old clothes from college and it fit. I am proud to announce I have managed to go down from a 44 to a 37. I still have a long way to go but I am even more determined to lose more weight this year. My New Year's resolution is the same as last year. Try to shed some more weight and look good for my 'wedding' pictures as I had mentioned in my last blog.*smiles* Here is a link to help anyone who is serious about losing some weight.

Also for me this year is to wed my fiance and build us a family. I am ready to step up the plate and prove my worth to her as a husband and her bestfriend.

Another resolution that I hope to achieve is to improve on my golf. After the wedding I will consider taking pro lessons and my handicap. I know Mr R&al has mentioned of a possible league format starting February and we will just have to see about it. I have only been driving these past two weeks and I have yet to get my swing back. This happens when you don't touch your clubs for more than a week and I did not touch mine for nearly 4 weeks. And not that I was any good but I could get the ball to go a distance.

I wish I could highlight the best moments of 2006 from January onwards but silly me did not even bother to keep note but lets try.

January 2006: Double Birthday surprise for my fiance. One at her place with her family and one with her friends the next day at CB Gadong.

February 2006: National Day celebration at Bandar and sang for my best bud at work at Yayasan if front of the other participants of the National day since his birthday was on the National Day.

March 2006:

April 2006:

May 2006: Flew to the Bahamas to attend the Commenwealth Youth Ministers Meeting with the delegation headed by the Minister of Culture Youth and Sports himself. I stayed 'The Dorcehester' and I watched the 'Da Vinci Code' in London.

June 2006:

July 2006:

August 2006:

Sept 2006:

October 2006: Right before puasa, On the day of the sighting of the moon, Mr R&al invite me to join a small garden course tourney and I managed to get 4th place for nett score. *smiles*

November 2006:

December 2006: KK Vacation with my Family and my Fiance's family and I went snorkelling for the first time.

I will edit when things come rushing back to my head.

So I should end here but congrats to the Brunei lady bloggers for the Ladies nite out. RA.com mentioned that shutterbugs would make up the boys nite out but don't cancel me out if the guys decide to have one. I ain't a shutterbug but I sure would love to join. So when will it take place? *wishful thinking*

So may 2007 bring you more joyful moments and all to best to everything.

1 comment:

Vixennova said...
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