Friday, December 29, 2006

3 days to 2007

So I assume most bloggers will be blogging about what 2006 has been about. Reflecting upon their triump/s and/or failure/s.

With the new year coming they would then continue to blog about what they hope to achieve and what their goals are.

Most of the time people tend to have 'too' many goals. Is there such a thing as 'too many'? I would like to assume so because one can plan so much in advance and assume that they have the whole year to carry it out. When you have too many goals/resolutions, you will lose touch of your earlier resolutions and lose hope, which inturn makes you demotivated until you get a slap in the face and get yourself back on track. Now that is a very long sentence.

I am now convinced that you have been totally thrown off by what you have been reading so far.

Simply put, it works for some people, and it does not for others.

It would be nice to think that one can just come up with a resolution along the way and it is true that sometimes things just happen and you get the ball rolling.

I would definitly bore you about what I have achieved in 2006 now because it is still 2006. So I will save that post for January 2007.

What do I hope to achieve in 2007?

Top of the list: Plan my wedding, settle every detail and get married!!

Other things on list: Take Golf seriously (After I get married), Buy a 3G phone and a 3G line, Buy a Mac, Plan Honeymoon, Ya da Ya da Ya da Ya da and so on and so forth. The list is endless.

But that is the major thing that I want to achieve. The date is set and all the looking for catering, our wedding garments, places and all these will take up most of next years blog post. Plus I am happy to announce I have secured a very talented photographer for my wedding and he comes highly recommended and his offer price is reasonable. His link can be found in Snap!x3.

Advance Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha / Hari Raya Korban and Semoga semua jemaah Haji Negara Brunei Darussalam dan keseluruhan umat Islam yang mengerjakan ibadat Haji pada ketika ini mendapat Haji Yang Mabrur dan Haji mereka diterima oleh Allah S.W.T. Amin.

1 comment:

Vixennova said...

Yess I like, wedding first, then put your other cravings to last. I'm liking your gentlemen attitude already. Happy 2007!