Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy Teacher's Day 2006

Originally uploaded here

Every 23rd September is Teacher's Day in Brunei Darussalam. However, the national celebration for Teacher's Day for this year has been moved forward to today, the 21st. This is because of the possibility of the first of Ramadhan falling on the 23rd if the moon is sighted tomorrow evening.

Teacher's Day is much awaited day like any other special day like one's Birthday. I remember a few years ago an article came out in the paper about how teachers were said to have asked for Teacher's day 'gifts' and students are 'obliged' to buy gifts for their teachers. How absurd of those teachers to demand such things from their students. Students are not obliged to buy them anything. It is up to them if they wanted to.

I remember when I was still a student I only gave my favourite teacher's a gift. I would wrap it myself and give it to them personally. Then they would open their gift infront of me. It was a nice, warm fuzzy feeling to see their face light up after receiving a gift.

I've only been a teacher for less than three years and I love my job. I have yet to feel successful because I have yet to see my students really succeed. My first batch of students, when I started out as a teacehr, will be sitting for their PMB's this year and I pray that they do well.

One important moment changed my whole perspective about being an educator. During my second teaching practice at a renowned college in Gadong in 2003, I was assigned two 'O' level classes. My cooperating teacher told me he believed that only a few of the students that I was going to teach will have a chance of getting an 'O' level credit. My job was to help them get through their June 'O' level. I practiced paper 1 and 2 with them and found that most of them had potential but needed some practice with their writing. I went back to basics with them and gave them lots of practice. I had finished my teaching practice before they sat for their June's and I remembered they texted me saying how they missed me and wanted me to teach them rather then their 'original' teacher.

Come late August that year, the students texted me and called me to thank me for helping them get their 'O' level credit. I knew the 'original' teacher took all the credit but its alright. I knew I helped them and that was important. The 'original' teacher said only a few but I help turn a few into many. In one class he predicted only one or two would get a credit but in that class I think about eight students managed to get their credit. In the other class he said not one student would get a credit because they were so weak but I proved him wrong and I think about four of them managed to get a credit.

That proved to me that I had that ability to influence change. I knew then and there that I would make it as a teacher.

But be rest assured that becoming a teacher is not such and easy task as many would think. Sure we only teacher half a day but most afternoons we stay back to do our markings. We also have admin work to do if we are a form teacher or other admin positions. We also come to school on Friday's and/or Sunday's if there are things to be done.

I am not complaining but I am informing. Being a teacher is as challenging as any other profession.

So here is wishing everyone who call themselves or their students call them 'Teacher', 'Sensei', 'Sifu', 'Sir' and last but not least 'Cikgu' -----> 'HaPpY TeaCHeRs DaY 2006' / 'SeLaMat Hari GuRu 2006' ----> May His Al-Mighty Bless You, May you be the best teacher you can be and May your lives be richer and Happy Always! Amin.

And a Brad Henry once said and I believe this,

"A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning."

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